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21. ClearSonic priser och mått

Mått ClearSonic:
AX2418x1 AX18-1 24" wide x 18" high, 1-section Add-On Height Extender with H-Channel
AX2418x2 AX18-2 48" wide x 18" high, 2-section Add-On Height Extenders with H-Channel
AX2418x3 AX18-3 72" wide x 18" high, 3-section CSP Height Extenders with H-Channel
AX2418x4 AX18-4 96" wide x 18" high, 4-section CSP Height Extenders with H-Channel
AX2418x5 AX18-5 120" wide x 18" high, 5-section CSP Height Extenders with H-Channel
AX2418x6 AX18-6 144" wide x 18" high, 6-section CSP Height Extenders with H-Channel
AX2418x7 AX18-7 168" wide x 18" high, 7-section CSP Height Extenders with H-Channel
S2216 S1D SORBER 22" wide x 16" high x 1.6" thick w/Velcro
S2224 S2D SORBER 22" wide x 24" high x 1.6" thick w/Velcro
S2233 S3D SORBER 22" wide x 33" high x 1.6" thick w/Velcro
S2444x2 S4-2D SORBER 2-section Fabric-Hinged Free-Standing 48" wide x 44" high x 1.6" thick
S2466x2 S5-2D SORBER 2-section Fabric-Hinged Free-Standing 48" wide x 66" high x 1.6" thick
SX2412x2 SX12-2D SORBER 2-section Height Extender w/Velcro, 48" wide x 12" high x 1.6" thick
S1248 STC412D SORBER 12" wide x 48" long x 1.6" thick Top Center Lid Section
S2448 STC4D SORBER 24" wide x 48" long x 1.6" thick Top Center Lid Section
ST2448 STS4D SORBER 24" wide x 48" long x 1.6" thick Trapezoid Top Side Lid Section
S1266 STC512D SORBER 12" wide x 66" long x 1.6" thick Top Center Lid Section
S2466 STC5D SORBER 24" wide x 66" long x 1.6" thick Top Center Lid Section
ST2466 STS5D SORBER 24" wide x 66" long x 1.6" thick Trapezoid Top Side Lid Section
SL7248 LP4-3D SORBER 3-section LidPac: 72" wide x 48" deep (1) S2448, (2) ST2448, (1) BAR
SL7266 LP5-3D SORBER 3-section LidPac: 72" wide x 66" deep (1) S2466, (2) ST2466, (1) BAR
SL8466 LP5-4D SORBER 4-section LidPac: 84" wide x 66" deep (1) STC2466, (1) S1266, (2) ST2466, (2) BAR
AL7266 CLEAR LID 72" wide x 66" deep 3-section Hinged Acrylic Lid System, (2) BAR
MP MPD MegaPac: (1)A2466x7,(1)A2466x5,(1)AX2418x7,(1)AX2418x5,(19)S2224,(12)S2216,(1)S2466,(1)S1266,(2)ST2466,(2) BAR,(1) FAN
MMP MMD Mini-MegaPac: (1)A2466x6,(1)A2466x5,(1)AX2412x6,(1)AX2412x5,(1)S2466,(1)S1266,(2)ST2466,(25)S2224,(2) BAR,(1) FAN
IPA IPAD IsoPac A: (1)A2466x7, AX2412x7, (3)S2466x2, (7)S2224, (1)S2466, (1)S1266, (2)ST2466, (2) BAR, (1) FAN
IPB IPBD IsoPac B: (1) A2466x6, (1) AX2412x6, (3) S2466x2, (4) S2224, (1) S2466, (2) ST2466, (1) BAR, (1) FAN
IPC IPCD IsoPac C: (1) A2466x5, (3) S2466x2, (5) S2224
IPD IPDD IsoPac D: (1) A2448x5, (2) S2448x2, (5) S2224
IPE IPED IsoPac E: (1) A2466x6, (1) AX2412x6, (2) S2466x2, (12) S2224, (1) S2466, (2) ST2466, (1) BAR, (1) FAN
IPF IPFD IsoPac F: (1) A2466x4, (1) AX2412x4, (2) S2466x2, (1) S2448, (2) ST2448, (1) BAR, (1) FAN
IPG IPGD IsoPac G: (1) A2466x6, (1) AX2412x6, (6) S2224, (2) ST2448, (1) Bar-Short, (1) FAN
IPH IPHD IsoPac H: (1) A2466x4, (2) S2466x2, (1) S2448, (2) ST2448, (1) BAR w/SORBER brackets, (1) FAN
IPI IPID IsoPac I: (1) A2466x6, (2) S2466x2, (1) S2466, (2)ST2466, (1) BAR, (1) FAN
IPJ IPJD IsoPac J: (2) A2466x4, (2) AX2412x4, (8) S2233, (1) S1266, (2) ST2466, (1) BAR, (1) FAN
IPT IPTD IsoPac T: (1) A1834x1, (1) A2436x1, (1) A1834x1 (hinged together), (2) S2216, (1) S2224, (1) S2233
SP10 SP10D SORBER StudioPac 10: (12) S2224, (2) S2233 Cloud, (2) S1248, (2) S2448
SP20 SP20D SORBER StudioPac 20: (18) S2224, (2) S2233 Cloud, (4) S1248, (4) S2448
SP30 SP30D SORBER StudioPac 30: (24) S2224, (4) S2233 Cloud, (8) S2216, (4) S1248, (4) S2448
SP40 SP40D SORBER StudioPac 40: (36) S2224, (8) S2233 Cloud, (8) S2216, (4) S1266, (4) S2466
SBT48 BT4D SORBER 48" Bass Trap: (1) S1248, (1) S2448
SBT66 BT5D SORBER 66" SORBER Bass Trap: (1) S1266, (1) S2466
SC2224 S2D Cloud SORBER 22" wide x 24" deep Ceiling Cloud: (1) S2224, (4) 1.5" x 3" Velcro
SC2233 S3D Cloud SORBER 22" wide x 33" deep Ceiling Cloud: (1) S2233, (4) 1.5" x 3" Velcro
SC2448 STC4D Cloud SORBER 24" wide x 48" deep Ceiling Cloud: (1) S2448, (4) 1.5" x 3" Velcro
SKT SKT3D SORBER 4-section Kick Tunnel: (3) S2233, (1) S2224, (3) 1.5" x 6" Velcro
SMB MB2-2D SORBER 2-section Microphone Baffle: (1) MBKT24 Steel SORBER Support, (2) S2224, (2) 1.5" x 6" Velcro

Innehåll: 1. Studiobricks ALLMÄNT
2. StudioBricks MUSIK ljudkabin. (VIDEO)
3. Studiobricks OFFICE ljudkabin. (VIDEO)
4. Studiobricks INDUSTRI ljudkabin
5. Studiobricks MEDICIN ljudkabin.
6. Studiobricks SÖMN ljudkabin
7. Studiobricks TILLBEHÖR ljudkabin
8. Ljudisolerande rum SoundLok (VIDEO)
9. Individuella ljudskärmar
10. Inställbara Akustikpaneler. (VIDEO)
11. Ställbara Akustiska Draperier. (VIDEO)
12. Akustikpaneler
13. Orkester- och körsnäckor. (VIDEO)
14 VAE teknik. (VIDEO)
15 Akustikinstallationer, referenser
16. ClearSonic ljudbafflar introduktion. (VIDEO)
17. ClearSonic ljudbafflar- SORBER ljuddämpare
18. ClearSonic IsoPacs
19. ClearSonic ljudbafflar - för högtalare. (VIDEO)
20. ClearSonic ljudbafflar - väskor
21. ClearSonic priser och mått
22. Priser akustikutrustning

BROSCHYRER - kontakta oss för mer information


© Sparta System AB 2024